Alan Hung (洪唯倫)

Alan Hung (洪唯倫)

Semiconductor Technologist
Intrapreneur | Project Manager | Data Analyst


  • As a Technologist with 5+ years of experience in Semiconductor/Foundry Engineering, I received an employee recognition award and was promoted to manager for my proven track record in SPICE modeling/design enablement and customer engineering.

  • As an Intrapreneur at a textile design company, I held multiple positions simultaneously for 4+ years, including:
    • Project Manager: I defined and executed a business transition project that resulted in a 3.8x increase in total sales and reached 1.2 million people per month on social media.
    • Data Analyst: I used machine learning techniques to increase fabric sales by 5.9x. Additionally, I implemented algorithms and web applications to improve efficiency, resulting in up to a 63x increase in processing speed.


  • 3 conference papers related to the characterization of flicker noise.


  • In pursuit of becoming a generalist and solving systemic problems across different fields.


  • SPICE / On-wafer measurements (DC & RF) / Device characterization / Test structure design / Python / Algorithms / Machine Learning / Statistics / Project management / Web development

Career Summary

Haori Taiwan Co., Ltd
Project Manager
July 2016 – December 2021 Taiwan


Key Responsibilities

Key Achievements

Haori Taiwan Co., Ltd
Data Analyst
July 2016 – December 2021 Taiwan


Key Responsibilities

Key Achievements

Haori Taiwan Co., Ltd
July 2016 – December 2021 Taiwan


Key Responsibilities

Key Achievements

United Microelectronics Corporation
Assistant Manager - SPICE Modeling
December 2014 – June 2016 Taiwan


Key Responsibilities

Key Projects

Key Achievements

United Microelectronics Corporation
Engineer - SPICE Modeling
November 2011 – December 2014 Taiwan


Key Responsibilities

Key Projects

Key Achievements


National Chiao Tung University
Master of Science, Electronic engineering
September 2008 – June 2011 Taiwan
GPA 4.0/4.0 (Top 1.42%)
National Chiao Tung University
Bachelor of Science, Electrophysics
September 2004 – June 2008 Taiwan
GPA 3.5/4.0


Employee Recognition Award
In recognition of outstanding contribution in 2016, with recommendation from function heads, this special award is granted to the employees who have made special contribution to the company in the subject year.
See certificate
Academic Achievement Award
This award is given to exceptional students based on their academic performance.
Academic Achievement Award
This award is given to exceptional students based on their academic performance.
Academic Achievement Award
This award is given to exceptional students based on their academic performance.

Selected Projects

Fabric Feature Extraction
Fabric Feature Extraction
Transitions toward B2C E-commerce: Part II
Competitor Analysis and Strategy Formation
Improving fabric sales through cluster analysis
2.73x improvement in sales and 50% reduction in processing time
Investigation of Algorithms for Retrieving Similar Images
Minimize time spent on fabric searches
Repeated Pattern Detection of Printed Fabric
12x faster than human processing
Design and Implementation of an in-House Fabric Library
An efficient fabric information search and storage system.
Color Theme Extraction Based on the Bucket Sort Algorithm
98% accuracy and 63x faster than human processing
Example Project
An example of using the in-built project page.
External Project
An example of linking directly to an external project website using external_link.
Design Portfolio
Fabric, Pattern, and Product
Product Photography
A collection of my work on fabric product
Product Videography
Reached 748k people with a single post and had a monthly reach of 1.2M on our Facebook page
Transitions toward B2C E-commerce: Part I
Business model perspective and Summary
Workflow Optimization for Social Media Promotion
4.4x increase in productivity and a 3.2x increase in popularity


Python for Programmers
See certificate
Google Data Analytics
See certificate